350 legend vs 30-30 ballistics 249653-350 legend vs 30-30 ballistics

Winchester claims the 350 Legend is the world's fastest straightwalled cartridge and has more energy than the 3030 Win, 300 Blackout and 223 Rem It also boasts approximately percent less recoil than the243 Win and has less recoil than the 450 Bushmaster Certainly, that last claim is correctThe 350 Legend has been found to be a good idea in bolt action rifles as well, especially in states where straight walled ammunition is allowed when other rifle ammunition is not The 44 mag is a venerable deer harvester Bolt action, semiauto, leveraction, and single shot rifles are chambered in it, and for good reasonEvaluating recoil of the 350 Legend is shaky right now, because there is no body of reloading data that can be consulted to get load powder charges, a necessary variable in recoil calculations Winchester has published some vague promotional material with numbers that suggest that the 350 Legend generates about 12 percent lower recoil than a 3030

The 4 Best Straight Walled Rifle Cartridges For Deer Hunting Field Stream

The 4 Best Straight Walled Rifle Cartridges For Deer Hunting Field Stream

350 legend vs 30-30 ballistics

350 legend vs 30-30 ballistics-The 350 Legend is the latest straightwalled cartridge to make waves on the hunting scene This round was designed by Winchester primarily to address some perceived shortcomings associated with the 450 Bushmaster A prime selling point of the 350 Legend is that it boasts low recoil and low expense when compared directly to the 450 BushmasterSAAMI spec for the 350 legend is 0357"0003", which is a unique specification There seem to have been some poor reamers getting around, undersized, but properly chambered rifles will happily the 357" revolver bullets the Legend was designed to use

Cartridge Cases Hornady Manufacturing Inc

Cartridge Cases Hornady Manufacturing Inc

The Winchester Ballistic Calculator allows you to select your Winchester product and view the real trajectory from that product Compare up to 4 Winchester products and see how they compareThey claim that the 350 Legend has "more energy that 3030 Win, 300 Blackout and 223 Rem" They included a chart with that claim that shows a 0 yard energy comparison The 300 Blackout data was with a 16″ barrel, and the rest were with ″ barrelsAccording to Winchester, the 350 Legend has more energy than many popular rifle cartridges, including the 3030 Winchester, the 300 Blackout, and the 223 Remington However, it also has less recoil than many of the highpowered straightwalled cartridges, such as the 450 Bushmaster

Additionally, the 350 Legend is relatively affordable and features cases that can be remade by hand reloaders from regular 556 brass casings Ultimately, it's a versatile and functional cartridge that can work with a variety of ammunition types Why Use a 350 Legend Over 3030 Winchester?Or east of the MississippiThe 350 Legend has a lot of limitations for design, but Hornady was up to the challenge The manufacturer first launched its American Whitetail 350 Legend with 170 gr Interlock bullet in April 19 Interlock is a traditional lead tipped bullet This was a good, baseline round, but Hornady wanted to surpass it and design a better hunting round

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350 Legend And 450 Bushmaster For Michigan Deer Hunting Trigger Press Blog

350 Legend And 450 Bushmaster For Michigan Deer Hunting Trigger Press Blog

350 Legend Vs 300 Blackout Vs 30 30win Youtube

350 Legend Vs 300 Blackout Vs 30 30win Youtube

I have had hunters that used the 300 HAMR and 350 Legend and both produced great results without much trailing of animals needed We also had a gun writer bring out a Bighorn 500 Automax and it was near impossible to get it to fire more than once without it jammingThe 350 Legend has a lot of limitations for design, but Hornady was up to the challenge The manufacturer first launched its American Whitetail 350 Legend with 170 gr Interlock bullet in April 19 Interlock is a traditional lead tipped bullet This was a good, baseline round, but Hornady wanted to surpass it and design a better hunting roundIn choosing between the 350 Legend vs 300 AAC Blackout – our choice is the 350 Legend because it has a better trajectory, more bullet energy, and works better in longrange shooting Although buying 300 Blackout is also a great decision because it is more affordable, the 350 Legend is easier to find even during ammo shortages

12 Deer Cartridges For The Recoil Sensitive Field Stream

12 Deer Cartridges For The Recoil Sensitive Field Stream

Comparing The 350 Legend Ballistics In A Modern Sporting Rifle Great Days Outdoors

Comparing The 350 Legend Ballistics In A Modern Sporting Rifle Great Days Outdoors

300 ham'r = 30/30 ballistics So buy a 30/30 lever and you will be money ahead 30/30 ammo available anywhere 300 ham'r ammo available only thru wilson combat 30/30 vs 762x39 "The 3030 is more versatile, being able to handle a wider range of bullet weights, the 762x39 tops out at about 150 grains and even then can't push them very fast vsMost of the major ammunition companies offer at least one 350 Legend load But if you expected to see yet another glowing review touting a new rifle/cartridge's 1MOA accuracy, you'll have to look elsewhere The test rifle, fired with three factory loads and three handloads at a distance of 50 yards, averaged 115 inches for two, fiveshotThe 350 Legend has been found to be a good idea in bolt action rifles as well, especially in states where straight walled ammunition is allowed when other rifle ammunition is not The 44 mag is a venerable deer harvester Bolt action, semiauto, leveraction, and single shot rifles are chambered in it, and for good reason

450 Bushmaster Wikipedia

450 Bushmaster Wikipedia

38 56 Wcf Wikipedia

38 56 Wcf Wikipedia

When X3030DS and X350DS have the same " barrel length, the 350 Legend creates more muzzle energy than 3030 Win Firearms chambered for 3030 Winchester commonly use " barrels, which is similar to the Winchester XPR rifle with a " barrel chambered for 350 Legend Does the 350 Legend really have greater penetration than 243 Winchester?The 350 Legend has about the same velocity and bullet mass as the 3030 Winchester In a rifle of the same weight, it should have virtually identical recoilWinchester claims the 350 Legend is the world's fastest straightwalled cartridge and has more energy than the 3030 Win, 300 Blackout and 223 Rem It also boasts approximately percent less recoil than the243 Win and has less recoil than the 450 Bushmaster Certainly, that last claim is correct

350 Legend Vs 30 30 Chronograph Youtube

350 Legend Vs 30 30 Chronograph Youtube

Hunting With The New 350 Legend Cartridge Bye Bye 300 Blackout Gunsamerica Digest

Hunting With The New 350 Legend Cartridge Bye Bye 300 Blackout Gunsamerica Digest

350 Legend Hornady American Whitetail vs Ballistic Gel at 100 and 0 Yards – The Social Regressive Let's see how the Hornady American Whitetail 350 Legend ammo compares to the other awesome rounds we've tested latelyThat is my point exactly (tough to convey conjecture over the internet) Given the similarities in ballistics, if the 3030 can be such a renowned deer killer, then the 350 Legend should be great as well, especially coming from a straightwalled casingThe 350 Legend is the latest straightwalled cartridge to make waves on the hunting scene This round was designed by Winchester primarily to address some perceived shortcomings associated with the 450 Bushmaster A prime selling point of the 350 Legend is that it boasts low recoil and low expense when compared directly to the 450 Bushmaster

350 Legend And Reloading Shot Show The Reloaders Network

350 Legend And Reloading Shot Show The Reloaders Network

350 Legend M14 Forum

350 Legend M14 Forum

Incoming Term: 350 legend vs 30-30 ballistics, 350 legend vs 30-30 ballistics chart, 350 legend vs 30-06 ballistics,

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